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Cassuruba Reserve in Caravelas, Bahia, Brazil


Since 2003 environmental and research groups have been warning about the consequences of oil and natural gas exploration on the biodiversity conservation area of the Abrolhos Marine National Park. The SOS Abrolhos Coalition was funded in order to bring together several NGOs, environmental networks, social movements and research groups.

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Basic Data
Name of conflict:Cassuruba Reserve in Caravelas, Bahia, Brazil
State or province:Bahia
Location of conflict:Caravelas e Nova Viosa
Accuracy of locationHIGH (Local level)
Source of Conflict
Type of conflict. 1st level:Biodiversity conservation conflicts
Type of conflict. 2nd level:Wetlands and coastal zone management
Aquaculture and fisheries
Specific commodities:Crude oil
Natural Gas
Project Details and Actors
Project details

Project area:1500
Type of populationRural
Start of the conflict:2004
Company names or state enterprises:Cooperativa dos Criadores de Camaro do Extremo Sul da Bahia (Coopex) from Brazil
Relevant government actors:Conselho Municipal de Defesa do Meio Ambiente de Caravelas , Centro de Recursos Ambientais da Bahia , Instituto do Meio Ambiente , Camara Municipal de Caravelas, Prefeitura Municipal de Caravelas, Ministro Publico do Estado da Bahia , Conselho Estadual de Meio Ambiente da Bahia , Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservao da Biodiversidade , Bahia Pesca S/A, Secretaria de Agricultura, Irrigao e Reforma Agraria do Estado da Bahia
Environmental justice organizations (and other supporters) and their websites, if available:Coalizo SOS Abrolhos, Rede MangueMar
Conflict & Mobilization
IntensityMEDIUM (street protests, visible mobilization)
Reaction stagePREVENTIVE resistance (precautionary phase)
Groups mobilizing:Local ejos
Shellfish pickers or collectors
Fisher people
Forms of mobilization:Development of a network/collective action
Development of alternative proposals
Lawsuits, court cases, judicial activism
Objections to the EIA
Public campaigns
Environmental ImpactsPotential: Biodiversity loss (wildlife, agro-diversity), Floods (river, coastal, mudflow), Food insecurity (crop damage), Loss of landscape/aesthetic degradation, Soil contamination, Deforestation and loss of vegetation cover, Surface water pollution / Decreasing water (physico-chemical, biological) quality, Groundwater pollution or depletion
Health ImpactsPotential: Violence related health impacts (homicides, rape, etc..), Occupational disease and accidents
Socio-economical ImpactsPotential: Increase in Corruption/Co-optation of different actors, Displacement, Increase in violence and crime, Loss of livelihood, Loss of traditional knowledge/practices/cultures, Specific impacts on women, Land dispossession, Loss of landscape/sense of place
Project StatusStopped
Conflict outcome / response:Land demarcation
New legislation
Strengthening of participation
Application of existing regulations
New Environmental Impact Assessment/Study
Project cancelled
Do you consider this an environmental justice success? Was environmental justice served?:Yes
Briefly explain:The Resex was created and the shrimp farm was cancelled. There was coperation between shellfish collectors and conservationists.
Sources & Materials
Juridical relevant texts related to the conflict (laws, legislations, EIAs, etc)

Decreto: Dispe sobre a criao da Reserva Extrativista de Cassurub, nos Municpios de Caravelas, Alcobaa e Nova Viosa, no Estado da Bahia
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References to published books, academic articles, movies or published documentaries

NICOLAU, Omar. Ambientalismo e carcinicultura: disputa de verdades e conflito social no extremo sul da Bahia.
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Cronologia dos acontecimentos recentes no Complexo dos Abrolhos.
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AMBIENTE BRASIL. Justia federal suspende licenciamento de empreendimento de carcinicultura em Caravelas/BA. Disponvel em: Acesso em: 04 nov. 2008.
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Ativistas fazem protesto em defesa de Abrolhos na ANP em Salvador (11/02/2009).
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Abrolhos ameaado por empreendimento de carcinicultura (27/04/2006).
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Meta information
Contributor:Diogo Rocha
Last update18/08/2019
Conflict ID:205
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