EJAtlas Directors: Leah Temper, Joan Martinez-Alier
EJAtlas Coordinator: Daniela Del Bene
Direction and Coordination Group: Joan Martínez-Alier, Leah Temper, Daniela Del Bene, Arnim Scheidel, Mariana Walter
Website Programming & Design: Yakup Çetinkaya
How to cite the EJAtlas database:
Leah Temper, Daniela del Bene and Joan Martinez-Alier. 2015. Mapping the frontiers and front lines of global environmental justice: the EJAtlas. Journal of Political Ecology 22 255-278.
Available at http://jpe.library.arizona.edu/volume_22/Temper.pdf
EJatlas (current year). The Global Atlas of Environmental Justice. www.ejatlas.org Accessed (date).
Suggestions for Citing Cases in the Database:
In the text:
(Ejatlas + year of last case update + a, b, c if there are more cases from the same year)
Examples: (Ejatlas 2014), (Ejatlas 2015a)
In the reference list:
Ejatlas + Year + Name of the entry + In: Atlas of Environmental Justice. + weblink + access date
EJatlas (2014) Tumkur conflict, Karnataka, India. In: Atlas of Environmental Justice. https://ejatlas.org/conflict/tumkur-conflict-karnataka-india. Accessed 11 Jan 2017
For multiple cases/featured maps
Ejatlas + Current Year /Date of creation if known + Category/commodity/country + In: Atlas of Environmental Justice. + weblink + access date
EJatlas (2017) Colombia In: Atlas of Environmental Justice. http://ejatlas.org/country/colombia. Accessed 1 March 2017.
EJatlas (2016) A Planet in Danger: the world of CHEVRON In: Atlas of Environmental Justice. http://ejatlas.org/featured/chevronconflicts. Accessed 1 March 2017
The database and the Featured Maps are the result of the joint work of hundreds of individuals, organizations, committees, researchers and students. A comprehensive list would be impossible but you can find the authors and contacts addresses in the case sheets. The following list includes only some of the organizations and individuals who participated to the design and creation of the database and significantly contributed to its population.
ICTA-UAB Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona
OCMAL-Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros de América Latina
FIOCRUZ - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Centro Documentazione Conflitti Ambientali, Italy
Mario Alejandro Perez Rincon, Universidad del Valle-CINARA Institute, Colombia
CRIIRAD - Commission de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur la RADioactivité, France
Centre for Civil Society, University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Alliance Voahary Gasy, Madagascar
Observatorio de Conflictos Socioambientales en el Occidente de Mexico
Grupo de trabajo paisajes mineros en M’©xico
Environmental Rights Action, Nigeria
FOCUS Association for Sustainable Development, Slovenia
Grupo de Estudos em Temáticas Ambientais da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
CEDAT-The Tarragona Centre for Environmental Law Studies, Universitat Rovira I Virgili
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan
Sustainable Europe Research Institute, Germany
Geography Department - Harokopio University Athens (HUA), Greece
Center for Mineral Technology (CETEM/MCTI), Brazil
Center for Social Studies (CES), Portugal
CENSAT Agua Viva, Colombia
Fundación Neotrópica, Costa Rica
Special acknowledgement to the following researchers, activists, interns, students and professors
Hali Healy, University College London
Boa Monjane, Via Campesina
Julien-Francois Gerber, TERI University, India
Dr Anna Lora-Wainwright, Associate Professor in the Human Geography of China, University of Oxford and Oxford EJOLT team, UK
Giuseppina Siciliano, Centre for Development, Environment and Policy (CeDEP), School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), UK
Patrizia Heidegger, NGO Shipbreaking Platform
Anitra Nelson, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Lena Weber, Human Ecology Division, Department of Human Geography, Lund University, Sweden
Jovanka Spiric, ICTA - Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, Spain
Vladimir Mrkajic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Ana Novkovic, Environmental activist, Serbia
Milica Mancic, Environmental activist, Serbia
Marianna Stori, Centro di Documentazione sui Conflitti Ambientali, Italy
Maura Peca, Lucie Greyl, Laura Greco, Marica Di Pierri, A Sud, Italy
Natalia Finogenova, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
The whole team of the ENVJUSTICE project and its interns