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Vinci's plan for a new airport mid-Nature Reserve, Portugal

A second airport is planned in Lisbon, in the natural reserve of the Tagus estuary, which would have destructive consequences for local people, the ecosystem and the planet.


On January 8th 2019, the portuguese government signed an agreement with VINCI (now full shareholder of ANA – Autoridade Nacional to significantly increase air traffic capacity in the two main Portuguese cities of Lisbon and Porto [1,2]. The deal includes: An expansion of the Portela Airport infrastructure in Lisbon which would increase possible air traffic by about 50%. An expansion of the Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (Porto) which would lead to similar increase by about 60% [3]. The building of an entirely new commercial airport in Montijo (southern bank of the Tejo) on top of the currently existing Air Force Base nº 6. This would also include the creation of new highway accesses to the airport and Vasco da Gama bridge (also owned by Vinci).

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Basic Data
Name of conflict:Vinci's plan for a new airport mid-Nature Reserve, Portugal
State or province:Alcochete
Location of conflict:Montijo
Accuracy of locationHIGH (Local level)
Source of Conflict
Type of conflict. 1st level:Infrastructure and Built Environment
Type of conflict. 2nd level:Ports and airport projects
Specific commodities:Land
Tourism services
Project Details and Actors
Project details

An expansion of the Portela Airport infrastructure in Lisbon which would increase possible air traffic by about 50%. An expansion of the Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (Porto) which would lead to similar increase by about 60% [3]. The building of an entirely new commercial airport in Montijo (southern bank of the Tejo) on top of the currently existing Air Force Base nº 6. This would also include the creation of new highway accesses to the airport and Vasco da Gama bridge (also owned by Vinci).

Project area:600 hectares
Type of populationSemi-urban
Affected Population:800k in Setubal peninsula, 500k in Lisbon, 300k in Porto
Start of the conflict:08/01/2019
Company names or state enterprises:Vinci Group (Vinci) from France
Environmental justice organizations (and other supporters) and their websites, if available:ATERRA (
Extinction Rebellion
Stay Grounded
associação ambientalista Zero
associação ambientalista Quercus
Conflict & Mobilization
IntensityLOW (some local organising)
Reaction stagePREVENTIVE resistance (precautionary phase)
Groups mobilizing:International ejos
Local ejos
Social movements
Local scientists/professionals
Forms of mobilization:Artistic and creative actions (eg guerilla theatre, murals)
Development of a network/collective action
Objections to the EIA
Official complaint letters and petitions
Public campaigns
Referendum other local consultations
Street protest/marches
Arguments for the rights of mother nature
Appeals/recourse to economic valuation of the environment
Environmental ImpactsVisible: Air pollution, Biodiversity loss (wildlife, agro-diversity), Global warming, Noise pollution, Other Environmental impacts
Health ImpactsVisible: Mental problems including stress, depression and suicide, Other Health impacts
Potential: Accidents
Other Health impactsIncreased risk of cardiac disease due to noise polution
Socio-economical ImpactsVisible: Displacement, Loss of landscape/sense of place
Potential: Land dispossession
Project StatusProposed (exploration phase)
Conflict outcome / response:Under negotiation
Do you consider this an environmental justice success? Was environmental justice served?:No
Sources & Materials

[1] La expansión del aeropuerto de Lisboa promete animar la economía de Montijo 3/3/2017
[click to view]

[1] La expansión del aeropuerto de Lisboa promete animar la economía de Montijo
[click to view]

[2] El futuro aeropuerto de Lisboa nace con polémica. 8 Jan 2019
[click to view]

[3] Expansion work of Porto Airport has already begun 29/04/2019
[click to view]

[4] Estudo de impacte ambiental favorável ao Montijo, mas falta consulta pública 29/07/2019
[click to view]

[click to view]

[6] Montijo. Prazo de consulta pública do Estudo de Impacto Ambiental termina esta quinta-feira. 19/09/2019
[click to view]

[7] Mais aviões? Só a brincar. Movimento Aterra volta a manifestar-se, agora na Air Summit 30/05/2019
[click to view]

[11] Cientistas alertam para “quatro graves falhas” no estudo sobre aeroporto do Montijo. 1/11/2019
[click to view]

Cientistas alertam para “quatro graves falhas” no estudo sobre aeroporto do Montijo. 1/11/2019
[click to view]

2050: novo aeroporto de Lisboa vai ficar inundado e passará a ser o terminal de cacilheiros mais caro do mundo. 8/11/2019
[click to view]

El Gobierno portugués da luz verde a un nuevo aeropuerto en Lisboa que podría inundarse antes de 2050. 31/10/2019
[click to view]

A insustentabilidade climática da expansão aeroportuária de Lisboa. 23/09/2019
[click to view]

Aeroporto no Montijo. Consulta pública ao Estudo de Impacte Ambiental terminou com 1.086 participações. 20 Sep 2019
[click to view]

Novo aeroporto: 60 personalidades assinam manifesto “Poupem o Montijo”. 14 Sept 2019
[click to view]

Related media links to videos, campaigns, social network

[8] ATERRA interrompe o maior evento de aviação da península ibérica. Aterra facebook
[click to view]

[9] Extincion Rebelion Portugal
[click to view]

[10] Manifesto Por um Aeroporto Sustentável para Lisboa. 14/09/2019
[click to view]

ATERRA interrompe o maior evento de aviação da península ibérica. Aterra facebook
[click to view]

Manifesto Por um Aeroporto Sustentável para Lisboa. 14/09/2019
[click to view]

Meta information
Contributor:Luis Falcão - Aterra - [email protected]
Last update14/11/2019
Conflict ID:4734
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