[1] The Guadian(2015), Shell abandons Alaska Arctic drilling [click to view] |
[2] Reuters (2015), Alaska to be hit by Shell's decision to halt oil exploration: Moody's [click to view] |
[3] Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Shell Gulf of Mexico, Inc. Revised Outer Continental Shelf Lease Exploration Plan Chukchi Sea, Alaska (2015) [click to view] |
[4] The Guradian (2015) , “The New Cold war” [click to view] |
[5] WWF, Arctic oil and gas [click to view] |
[6] The Guradian (2015) , “The New Cold war” [click to view] |
[7] The Guardian (2015), Activists hang from bridge in Portland to block Shell's Arctic vessel [click to view] |
[8] The Washington post (2016), President Obama bans oil drilling in large areas of Atlantic and Arctic oceans [click to view] |
[9] The Hill (2017), Alaska senators push bill to allow Arctic drilling [click to view] |